

At baptism, we come together to give thanks to God for His gift of new life and to pray for those who set out on their journey of faith. Jesus Himself commanded His followers to go and baptise women and men in the name of God (Gospel of Saint Matthew, 28.19-20). The word ‘baptism’ comes from the Greek and means ‘to immerse in water’ or ‘to plunge into water’. Sometimes people speak of a ‘Christening’ because all who are baptised share in a new life: the life of Christ.

To share in the life of Christ means to reject those things that are evil, or sinful. Before their baptism, the candidates (or, in the case of small children, their parents and godparents) declare their rejection of evil and their allegiance to Christ. They are then taken to the font, where they are marked with the sign of the cross and baptised with water in the name of God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In baptism Christ receives us as His child (Letter to the Romans, 8.15-17), forgives us our sins and grants us the gift of His Holy Spirit (Acts of the Apostles, 2.38).

At St. Peter’s children (and adults) are normally baptised during our main Sunday service. In preparation for this a member of the clergy will visit candidates to explain the meaning of baptism. If you would like to request a baptism at St. Peter’s, please contact a member of the clergy.

Galatians 3:27

for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.